Přihlásit se
Stream of molten metal poured from one ladle to another in foundry. Liquid metal in furnace. Liquid metal production process. Molding molten metal at industrial plant. Slow motion
CIRCA 1970 - Apollo 13 is successfully launched.
CIRCA - 1951 - A mock up of the launch of the Hermes A1 Missile.
CIRCA 1960 - An Avrocar is installed in the wind tunnel at Ames Research Center.
CIRCA 1966 - The progress of the Gemini XI is tracked.
1960s: Air Force morning activities on the ground during the Vietnam War in 1967.
1960s: Air Force morning activities on the ground during the Vietnam War in 1967.


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Stock Video ID: 9770825

Spuštění rakety do vesmíru- odpočítávání, Videoklip

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