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USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, a woman shouts at a cowboy who tries to flirt with her at a bar and walks away.
USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, a cowboy talks to his horse and confesses that maybe he isn't as good as he thinks he is.
USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, two cowboys laugh as one of them covers himself in perfume before walking away.
USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, a cowboy recognizes a bartender when he orders a drink at the bar.
USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, a donkey brays and it annoys a cowboy who shouts back at the donkey to be quiet.
USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, a cowboy asks a woman to prepare him food while he goes to feed his horse.
USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, a cowboy coughs when he drinks his wine as a woman toasts to their relationship.


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Stock Video ID: 3460746443

USA - 1928 - In this Western film starring Warner Baxer, a cowboy holds people at gunpoint and orders everybody into a carriage except for one pretty woman.

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  • 23.98fps

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