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CIRCA 1940s - A soldier snaps a photograph and sideshow performers are shown as well as couples posing with Ferdinand the Bull in Coney Island.
CIRCA 1940s - Because transportation to schools is difficult in rural Latin America, many children learn the work of their parents in the field.
PALESTINE - 1945 - Students at a Jewish agricultural school return from the field with their harvested crops in Palestine.
CIRCA 1945 - Japanese soldiers are loaded onto trucks in Cebu, the Philippines after their surrender.
CIRCA 1950s - In 1936, Thomas Parran with the U.S. Public Health Service launched a campaign to increase public education about syphilis, although they saw a large backlash by the public and media.
CIRCA 1930s - After thousands of design ideas, the slogan for the 1937 Chevrolet ad campaign is ready - The Complete Car, Completely New.
CIRCA 1943 - A montage shows landmarks in Washington DC, as well as the hustle and bustle of city life.


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Stock Video ID: 3400859243

USA - 1940 - gift shops and souvenirs on the Coney Island boardwalk

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