Circa 1927 - in this silent war film, a dutch recruit for the us army gets punched by the officer signing the men in to training school.
CIRCA 1947 - In this crime movie, Dick Tracy interrogates a woman during a murder investigation and she protests her innocence.
CIRCA 1939 - In this classic horror comedy, an investigator comes into a mansion and finds a detective stumbling out of a secret passageway.
CIRCA 1940s - A member of a farming family passes away from an illness after they are unable to reach a doctor due to a bridge washing out in a storm.
CIRCA 1947 - In this crime movie, a man with a hook for a hand is electrocuted to death when the hook hits some exposed wires.
CIRCA 1935 - In this crime film, a man wanted for murder holds a calm reporter covering the case at gunpoint.
CIRCA 1924 - In this silent comedy, a man encourages his neighbor (Harold Lloyd) to drink out of his flask, and he takes too much.


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Vers 1941 - dans ce thriller fantastique, un homme entre dans une chambre à coucher avec un beau fantôme féminin et trouve le cadavre assassiné du fantôme.

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