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CIRCA 1930s - Clark Gable, Jack Oakie, William Powell and Carole Lombard are among the movie stars who turn out for a Hollywood premiere.
CIRCA 1930 - A wedding reception includes a bride and groom, friends, family and cake.
CIRCA 1939 - In this race musical, women dance to a jazz band as entertainment at a nightclub.
CIRCA 1941 - Remote control platforms allow the stage of a theatre rise up and down dramatically.
CIRCA 1922 - In this silent movie, a man dances with a woman at a nightclub before pushing her violently the floor with disdain for all women.
A soldier steals his friend's girl during a square dance in 1950. (1950s)
CIRCA 1941 - In this horror comedy, a maid helps a man realize he is not a zombie.


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Stock Video ID: 1100556777

Circa 1931 - in this comedy film, a black church choir sings their preacher, a black man in blackface, off stage.

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