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CIRCA 1950s - Water flowing in streams, the skeleton of an animal, in a desert, and a rains falling on a forest are shown, in 1953.
CIRCA 1940s - The First Australian Imperial Force cleans weapons, shoots, fires, runs and blows up a hut, in Papua, New Guinea, during World War 2.
CIRCA 1964 - In this horror film, a monster comes across a young couple making out in the woods and attacks the woman.
CIRCA 1940s - German soldiers ski down a snowy mountain during World War 2 in this German propaganda film
CIRCA 1940s - Inflatable life rafts carry survivors from the USS Essex to the USS North Carolina.
CIRCA 1940 - Honduras becomes destabilized in 1945 threatening Americas economic interests.
CIRCA 1935 - In this adventure movie, Tarzan sees a villain throw two people over a waterfall.


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Stock Video ID: 1100556253

Circa 1926 - in this silent film, a fraudulent alchemist pretends to be busy when she sees a pretty young customer approaching.

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  • 23.98fps

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