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Circa 1933 - maxim litvinov, the people's commissar for foreign affairs of the soviet union, is invited to the united states by fdr.
CIRCA 1942 - Allied troops roll out in amphibious vehicles on the beaches of Casablana, taking the city under heavy fire (narrated in 1944).
CIRCA 1940s - Franklin Delano Roosevelts famous December, 8, 1941 packed house speech announcing the surprise attack by Japan.
CIRCA 1944 - WW2 US soldiers in St Malo, France fire weapons into buildings.
CIRCA 1944 - A US Army chaplain leads a Catholic service in a heavily damaged chapel in Germany.
CIRCA 1961 - As WWII was being fought in Europe and North Africa, the Fourth Army was training for amphibious assault in the United States.
CIRCA 1945 - Wounded German POWs look out the windows of a hospital while an American soldier keeps guard outside.


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Stock Video ID: 1097355053

CIRCA 1944 - American soldiers go sightseeing on the Champs-Elysees, visiting the Arc de Triomphe.

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