Profile of a Contemplative Fireman
Goose Creek, SC / United States - 08 15 2017: Firefighters gather around a wrecked car during emergency response after a vehicle accident.
VIRGINIA - MAY 2014 - Re-enactment recreation of post fire event murder or crime scene / investigation.  Firefighters with hoses and trucks, with flashlights. Smoke fills area after a house fire.
Goose Creek , South Carolina / United States - 02 16 2018: Firefighter puts on protective firefighting coat and gear as he prepares to respond to an emergency
Goose Creek, SC / United States - 08 15 2017: Firefighters turn on a fire hose to spray water night.
Goose Creek, SC / United States - 08 15 2017: A firefighter stands at night dirty after responding to a fire emergency.
Goose Creek , South Carolina / United States - 02 16 2018: Firefighter puts on an oxygen air mask so he can breath when going into a burning building with smoke


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Firefighter Breathing Deeply Outside a Smokey House

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