CIRCA 1923 - In this silent western, a woman seeks to find out the details of a violent fight between two men in her caravan.
CIRCA 1923 - In this silent western, a trader encourages a cowboy to go to California for the gold rush.
CIRCA 1923 - In this silent western, a cowboy rides his horse into the Missouri River to show how deep it is.
CIRCA 1935 - In this western film, ranch hands are suspicious of a man claiming to be a gambler.
CIRCA 1940 - A short 1943 clip depicting the importance of road scouts when it comes to updating maps.
CIRCA 1949- A cowboy and a boy look at cattle, a cowboy lassos a calf, a boy hog ties a calf, and the calf is branded.
CIRCA 1949 - Calves are branded at a ranch.


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Stock Vídeo ID: 1094947579

CIRCA 1923 - In this silent western, one group of frontiersmen decides to follow a wagon train over ground while another sets off across.

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