Circa 1944 - german forces fight back against invading american soldiers (narrated in 1965 by paul newman and a german veteran).
CIRCA 1950s - Water flowing in streams, the skeleton of an animal, in a desert, and a rains falling on a forest are shown, in 1953.
CIRCA 1934 - In this adventure movie, explorers watch native boys chase a herd of elephants downriver.
CIRCA 1944 - In this war film, British soldiers in North Africa use a flare to help them locate approaching Nazi soldiers at night, and open fire.
1960s: The U.S. is not equipt to fight in Vietnam and Laos using unconventional jungle warfare in 1965.
CIRCA 1937 - In this western film, cowboys interpret signals sent in Africa via tom-toms.
CIRCA 1938 - In this adventure movie, Tarzan swings in on a vine to save a band of explorers from attack by thieves in the jungle.


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Stok Video ID: 1090046691

CIRCA 1934 - In this adventure movie, Malaysian fishermen watch aquatic birds land on elephants.

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