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CIRCA 1923 - In this silent film, two men at a construction site have an argument which turns into a fistfight.
CIRCA 1940s - American Vice President Henry Wallace visits farms in Siberia to inspect Soviet farming techniques in 1944.
CIRCA 1940s - Pete Seeger narrates this documentary in 1946 about the deep South and folk traditions there and of freight trains and railroads.
CIRCA 1940s - American troops fight on the ground and perform an air strike on Japan in WWII.
CIRCA 1944 - US Army engineers build a wooden trestle over the Mayenne River in Laval.
CIRCA 1951 - Japanese laborers fix up the flight deck of the USS Philippine Sea.
1950s: UNITED STATES: workers throw lettuces onto machine. Men unload carrots.


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Stock Video ID: 1083642865

CIRCA 1936 - The WPA puts men to work building the Loudonville Reservoir in Albany, New York.

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