1950s: General MacArthur is decorated by and photographed with President Truman in 1951.
President Eisenhower signs a paper, while the narrator talks about the powers of the constitution, government, congress and supreme court in the 1950s. (1950s)
CIRCA 1960s - Army helicopters are flown over a stadium and an oilfield and an estate in Iran.
CIRCA 1960s - The presidential motorcade drives through Washington DC.
CIRCA 1700s - The Marine Hospital Service is established and hospitals are built in Norfolk, Virginia and in Boston, Massachusetts.
CIRCA 1940s - Bernard Baruch, advisor to the President, speaks before the Atomic Energy Commission.
1940s: Aerial view of Washington, D.C. Vehicles drive down street. USDA building. Men stoop over map and gesture. Men walk down hall. Men and women at work. Illustrator at work.


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Идентификатор стокового материала (Видео): 1065245971

1930s: Aerial view of buildings. Cannon goes off.

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