CIRCA 1944 - Americans show the process of getting ration book, then use them to go grocery shopping.
CIRCA 1944 - Rationing severely impacts the grocery shopping of American housewives.
CIRCA 1944 - Rationing severely impacts the grocery shopping of American housewives.
CIRCA 1950s - A farmer's wife bakes a birthday cake for her teenaged daughter's party in 1951.
CIRCA 1940 - Dehydrated foods are developed by scientists in World War Two.
CIRCA 1944 - New Yorkers are annoyed trying to figure out how to use ration books to buy groceries, but ultimately affirm the importance of rationing.
CIRCA 1944 - New Yorkers are annoyed trying to figure out how to use ration books to buy groceries, but ultimately affirm the importance of rationing.


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Stok Video ID: 1040478227

CIRCA 1944 - Americans show the process of getting ration book, then use them to go grocery shopping.

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Yükleme tarihi: 6 Kas 2019

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