CIRCA 1940s - Allied troops encounter devastation and homeless townspeople in Normandy and Marigny, towns the Nazis have fled by 1944.
CIRCA 1944, The 9th Division are moved up by truck retiring units of the 1st Div, enter a village after an artillery barrage, World War II
1960s: 1960s home video footage by environmentalist David Brower shows a private back garden, some houses, and broader views of an unidentified neighborhood.
Newsreel about action on Western fronts during WWII. (1940s)
CIRCA 1940s - The exteriors of many hotels and shops are seen in postwar Austria.
CIRCA 1945 - Exteriors of sculptor Auguste Bartholdi's historic home in Colmar, France.
1940s - Post-WWII film depicting the value of the Air Force in Allied victory.


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Stock 비디오 ID: 19442734

Army engineers fill in a helicopter's tank with fuel and test the rotor head in 1955. (1940s)

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