3D animation of action potential conduction through many myelinated neurons, pulse highlighted as it moves through dendrite, soma and axon.
Animated video of action potential conduction propagating down healthy myelinated axon to post synaptic neuron dendrite
Neuron Oligodendrocyte, snaps activity in brain.
A glial cell similar to an astrocyte but with fewer protuberances, concerned with the production of myelin in the central nervous system.
Close up view of a myelinated nerve axon sheath propagating an action potential along the neuron, across to neighbouring neurons
Stem cell replacement cells and tissues to treat diseases
3D rendered Animation of floating Chromosomes.
3d rendered video with bacteria.


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Stok Video ID: 2951845

MSS nöron hücre gövdesi ve aksonlar Schwann hücresi veya oligodendrosit tarafından miyelinlenmiş aksonlar aracılığıyla 3D animasyon eylem potansiyel yayılım Ranvier görünür hızlı nörotransmisyon ve yalıtım düğümleri

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  • 25 fps

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